The other day I looked back in the TPL archives to read 20 Weeks! A Cantaloupe! - a chronicle of how I was feeling at the midpoint of my last pregnancy. Looking back all I really remember about that point was that someone made a comment to me about how big my stomach was, and I will never forget it. It hurt my feelings so much at the time, and I spent the entire pregnancy stressing about how large I was. Looking back at the post, I really think I looked fine, and hate that I let it upset me so much. It's such a new experience to watch your body grow larger and larger with no idea if it will stop/when you will finally explode. :)
Last pregnancy I wore a lot of maternity clothes that were pretty tight, and I think it opened me up to more criticism. This pregnancy I've really embraced the leggings with a dress look, and the results are so much better. Everyone has been so kind to me telling me I look great, which has really helped my self confidence. My entire attitude about this pregnancy is better as a result. I've gotten a few investment pieces from Hatch, which is an awesome brand. They make clothes that work before, during and after pregnancy, so it's easier to make the investment.
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