Can't Miss Gifts for a Child!

Happy Monday everybody!  I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving.  We had some quality time as a family, and it was really nice.  We usually travel for the holiday, and though we missed family this year, it was very nice to be home.  We even decorated for Christmas, so our house is nice and cozy.  

A lot of people have been asking my opinion about toys for 1-2 year olds, so I compiled a few of my favorites.  Since it's cyber Monday, most of there products are on sale, so be sure to look on the site for a discount code!  I really want to get Oliver a tent, chair and kitchen for Christmas, but I love all these ideas.  I also know the most about boy presents, but I used my babysitting knowledge to add some gifts for girls (Fancy Nancy, Freshly Picked, Baby Doll).

I'd love to write more, but Oliver just dumped the dog's water bowl all over the floor, so I've got to go!  How soon can I teach him that Santa is always watching? :)

Good luck everybody!  Please let me know if you have any Christmas present advice!

Love, Blayne

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