I went to Westside Yoga's "Yoga in the Park," and guess what happened?

Hi everyone,

Things have been busy over here at "This Photographer's Life," and I've brought in someone to help me, which has been awesome!  Savannah Dean helps me find new blog content and manage the blog.  This week she went to Westside Yoga's free class at Piedmont Park, which they do every month.  It sounds like so much fun I think I'll join her for the next class!  Take a look for yourself.



I recently attended an event held by Westside Yoga and Park Tavern that combined two of my favorite ways to relax; yoga and a beer. When I first entered the venue I was floored, it was unbeknownst to me that this was being held in a wedding hall and wow was it gorgeous! Myself and about 50 others laid out our yoga mats and watched the sunset over the Atlanta skyline as we entered a guided flow for all levels. After literally following my bliss and letting all the stress from the previous few day melt away, I was greeted with an even better next step, free beer! Sitting by the fire pit in the downstairs patio drinking a Miller High Life (there were other options to choose from, but I'm a simple girl) with my friends was a fantastic way to end the evening. The event is being held every second Monday, so I can't wait to attend the second installment. 

Source: http://www.thisphotographerslife.com/new-blog/2018/4/11/yoga-in-the-park