We're Having a Girl!

Jimmy and I are having a baby girl, which is a statement I can't believe I'm lucky enough to say. We found out at an ultrasound last week, and though I am not an emotional crier, I sobbed.  The only thing I could even say was, "I've always wanted a girl."  

This baby girl is an answer to a lifetime of prayers.  

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THE BEST Atlanta Gift Guide You've Ever Seen!

I love having friends who are smarter than me!

I polled my Facebook friends to find out the very best gifts the ATL has to offer this holiday season, and I was blown away.  I can't believe there's so much talent in one city, and I'm so proud to call it home!  I've loved going to all the websites seeing the different products.  Happily, I'm almost finished with my Christmas shopping!  

I want to point out that there are some awesome stores here that carry a ton of local products.  I've included just one product from a few stores, but Huff Harrington HomeThe Beehive AtlantaYoungblood Boutique and The Merchant Atlanta all sell many local items.  

I hope you enjoy the gifts below, and please leave any additional recommendations in the comment section.  I'd also love to hear about your favorites on the list, and I'm expecting a ton of comments about the boat!  

Happy Shopping Everybody!  #weloveatl

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Can't Miss Gifts for a Child!

Happy Monday everybody!  I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving.  We had some quality time as a family, and it was really nice.  We usually travel for the holiday, and though we missed family this year, it was very nice to be home.  We even decorated for Christmas, so our house is nice and cozy.  

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