Notice anything different? I have a new look here at This Photographer's Life. You know they say "change is good," and it was time to freshen things up a bit. This is a much more modern layout and allows the reader to navigate the site more quickly. Please let me know what you think!
Tomorrow we are headed to Jackson Hole, so I wanted to get in a quick update. This trip will be much different than the legendary trip two years ago where I lied about my skiing abilities.

This year there will be much less skiing/falling, beer drinking and hot tubing. Beer drinking and hot tubing are my two favorite parts of ski trips, so I'm a little bummed. I'm sure it's fine for some people to ski while pregnant, but not me. I'm actually fine headed down the hill, but I've been know to fall doing stupid things like standing in line. So coordinated.

I am scheduled for two spa treatments. Prenatal massages are the best things going. This will be my second (I am also getting a facial to combat pregnancy breakouts), and it cannot come soon enough. Luckily Glennis is going to Jackson and doesn't ski, so we will get a lot of mother-daughter time, which I assume will be spent in the movie theater. I also plan on taking full advantage of ski-related food like chili and hot chocolate. Lastly, Jimmy got a new ski helmet, so there is a lot to celebrate. Have you seen the old one from 1993 (see above)? Bowling ball.
Baby update.

The baby is a banana this week, which is uber depressing. Going from a cantaloupe to a banana makes no sense to me, but it has to do with hitting the 20th week and beginning to count the legs, which were not counted previously... blah blah blah, I want that baby to get bigger, not skinnier. Nobody likes a skinny banana baby.
Here is a quick list of things Pregnant Blayne is thankful for:
1. Pregnant Friends
Friends who are pregnant are THE BEST whilst pregnant. They keep you from losing your mind. The strangest stuff happens to your body while you are pregnant. Example; a few nights ago I woke up and both legs had gone numb, which was surprising to say the least. Pregnant/alone/hypochondriac Blayne would have convinced herself she was starting down a road to paralysis and called the doctor, but instead I woke up and texted my slightly further along pregnant friend Callie something like, "strangest thing happened last night... woke up and couldn't feel either leg!!!!" After a few minutes she wrote back, "yea, happens all the time, no big deal." Thus a panic attack/trip to the hospital/call to the doctor was completely averted. If you are pregnant, my advice to you is to get some pregnant friends ASAP. Can't live without them.
2. A Pregnancy Pillow

I'm not going to go into this one so much because it's just obvious. If you are pregnant it's your best friend. Get one. I am actually the proud owner of two (thank you Lex), and I use the both... unless Jimmy or Charlotte steals one, which happens surprisingly often. See Charlotte, that little pillow thief. (Above she took over a head pillow, not a pregnancy pillow, but you get the idea)
3. A good pair of Jeans.

I bought this pair of jeans at A Pea in the Pod when I was about 2 months pregnant (don't judge... I've dreamt my whole life of an elastic waistband). Now, before you go judging me about how expensive they are, let me tell you, I've worn them every single day except for 5, and the only reason I didn't wear them those days is because they HAD to be washed. By the end of this pregnancy, these jeans will have cost about $1.50 per day, which is my best pregnancy investment to date. The sales lady at a A Pea in the Pod told me this was the most popular seller because the jean has a little elastic in it, which makes it easier to move.
4. The parent exchange group on Facebook.
If you live in Buckhead, there is a group called "The Buckhead Brookhaven Parent Exchange" that my friend Meredith asked me to join. It's a group of moms in the area who sell used children's clothes/furniture/toys that they don't need. So far I've bought a pregnancy pillow, bouncy chair, pack and play, and a glider for a grand total of $105... now that's a savings you can funnel right back into a good pair of maternity jeans. ;)
5. A good pregnancy blog.
I like two.
Rabit Stew - this cute girl wrote a week by week account of her pregnancy and delivery. I love reading it every week. She's funny and real and has the nerve to write about stuff that I don't...
Pregnant Chicken - Funny writer who reviews everything pregnancy and baby related. I like.
And now...
Somebody buy this house. Glennis Beacham has it listed, and it's one of my very favorites. 3955 Northside Drive. It's the perfect place to raise a family. There is a huge front yard, an even bigger back yard with beautiful gardens, screened-in porch, massive family room and a studio space on the third floor! See? Perfect.

Have a great week everybody! I'll think of you from my massage bed. Not.
- Blayne Macauley