The 5 Best Burgers in Atlanta

For those of you who read the 5 Best Salads in Atlanta post, you know I have a group of work friends who I eat lunch with almost every day.  My good friend Laura Florkowski is hours from her due date (and my day in the baby pool), so we went out for a "last" celebratory lunch today at Chops (IT WAS A CELEBRATION).  While we were eating we started a discussion about the best burgers in the city.  As you know from this post about Ponce City Market, I was born loving burgers.  I've wanted to write about my favorite burgers in #ATL for a long time, but whenever I started I had trouble narrowing down my favorites.  During lunch I started a list on my phone, and after surveying a group my friends and family, I came up with a list.  Do you agree with our choices, or is there a burger you would add to the list?

p.s. These are not in any particular order.  They are just the best!  If you disagree, leave a comment and let me know which burger is your all time favorite.

1. The Vortex

I love The Vortex for the tater tots option and the "customer isn't always right" attitude.  There is nothing better for brunch when you are hungover than a hot greasy burger and plater overflowing with tater tots.  As soon as I see that skull in the distance as I drive into Little 5, I know it's all going to be ok.  The people watching and menu design is as good as the burger, which puts the Vortex at the top of the list for me. Bonus: they have great draft beer. 



2. Holeman and Finch Burger / H&F Burger

ok, ok... most people already know about this burger, so feel free to scroll on down if you like. When Holman And Finch first introduced this burger there were only 20 served at 10 o'clock PM.  The first time I had the burger was about a month after Holeman & Finch opened.  I went with a friend, and we arrived around 8 to put in our order for the burger.  We spent the next two hours drinking and talking and eating apps until the burger arrived.  My friend told me not to make any substitutions to the burger, and in an effort to appear cool I didn't even thought I hated mustard.  When that burger came I was about 3 drinks deep and starving.  I thought it was the best thing I'd ever tasted in my life.  From that day on I never asked to skip the mustard. Soon they began serving the burgers at the Braves games, and you can now get one whenever you want at Ponce City's H& F Burger.  Whenever I taste the burger, it takes me back to the mystery and anticipation of the first time I had it, and I don't know if another burger experience will ever top it.




When Jimmy and I met on our internet blind date (read the story here) we met at Bocado.  I arrived first and spent my time nervously looking at the menu.  I was wearing a dry clean only top and white jeans, so even though I was drawn to the burger I thought it was a risky move to order it.  With my luck it would end up all over my pants.  Jimmy finally arrived and we ordered.  I went with the safe chicken dish, and of course he got the burger.  Since I didn't know him from Adam, I couldn't plow in and eat his burger (although today I would).  Instead I just watched with envy as he ate one of the best looking burgers I'd ever seen.  I learned my lesson though.  We go back to Bocado all the time, and although I always spend a long time looking at the menu, I never pass up the opportunity to order the burger.


4. General Muir

True Confession: I've never tried this burger.  I assume it's good since it's made by Todd Ginsberg (see Bocado), but I can not personally vouch for it.  The reason it's on here is because ever since I met my brother's girlfriend, she won't shut up about the General Muir burger.  She says its her favorite ever.  She has good taste in things like burgers and men, so I'm going to trust her on this one.  I'll report back as soon as I try it. ;)


5. Yeah! Burger

My friend Jennifer from work LOVES BURGERS.  It's not uncommon for us all to be sitting in the office and get a call from her asking if we can all get burgers.  She loves Yeah! Burger, and so do the other women at work.  I agree.  It's very very good, and it gives you the option to build your own burger or order off the menu.  Unfortunately I can only go there with my work friends because Jimmy gets really really overwhelmed when presented with too many options on a menu and has a complete mental breakdown.  I usually have to order for him or just avoid the situation altogether. ;)

THE ULTIMATE - The Varsity

There are no words.  The whole experience is the best.  My grandparents lived in Athens, so we would go to the Varsity with them all the time.  This burger is like home to me, and I stand by how amazing it is.


Additional burger suggestions from my friends/family

Please leave a comment below and let me know your favorite burger in the city.  I'm always open to my next great burger experience!

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