Don't believe everything you read on the internet... but do let me tell you what to eat, read and watch. Boom.

I've written before about my love for the blog Designer Bags and Dirty Diapers (it's my favorite).  Every Monday Natalie does an update with all the highlights from her weekend.  She and her husband and her two kids go to fabulous Charleston restaurants or stores.  She and her husband usually have a date night, and on Sundays she cooks a family dinner.  All the while wearing the latest styles and pulling off perfect hair.

I can't compete.  For the last few weekends I've taken photos with my phone in hopes of dazzling you guys on Monday with what an amazing weekend we've had.  On Monday morning I look back through a few photos of our dog, a couple of Jimmy fake sleeping with Oliver, about 10 of the baby doing something cute, at least one of a bowl of cheese dip, and the occasional signature cocktail.  There is nothing earth shattering in my camera roll, so I don't follow through.  Until this week when I thought I'd be honest:

Here's what I did with my much less glamorous weekend.  

Hanging out with the sweetest house guest this weekend 😘.

A photo posted by Blayne Macauley (@thisphotographerslifeblog) on

Friday night Jimmy went out with friends.  I met two of my friends at the pool (wearing my only bathing suit that fits - my Target one piece) where we stayed for about an hour until our sons got cranky.  I ate a Whole Foods salad and watched an Ashton Kutcher RomCom that I was too tired to remember I'd already seen until 3/4 of the way through.  In bed by 9:45 WITH this cute dog I was pet sitting.

Saturday I showed tons of houses.  I wore the only shift dress I can stand to wear in this heat and refused to put on make up because I thought it would probably melt off my face. That night was the first time we'd had a babysitter on a weekend in 6 weeks.  We went to get a drink at our neighborhood bar, and then we got tired and decided to go home at 8:45.  In bed by 9:15.

Sunday I showed more houses (wearing the equivalent of a pool cover up because our washing machine is broken, and IT'S TOO HOT FOR PANTS) and met my good friend at the movies to see Amy.  It was amazing.  If you like music AT ALL you should see it.  I had to go to the bathroom during the movie and made it there and back in under 60 seconds so I wouldn't miss any.  Yes.  That good.  

Sunday night I cooked dinner and Jimmy and I watched the first two episodes of True Blood. They were so intriguing we stayed up until 11.  I know.  Wild.

I know Monday is not technically the weekend, but that's when the best stuff happened... so my blog my rules.  I shot three houses and ate half a Willy's salad (not included in my list of the 5 Best Salads in Atlanta - which was a mistake) in my car, during which I dripped dressing on my top and created a brown stain.  During my car lunch I finished listening to the book The Storied Life if A.J. Fikry and plummeted immediately into that  deep and very real depression that hits when you finish an amazing book and don't have another on the horizon.  If you love books or reading, please give this book a try.  I promise you will not be disappointed.  

If you eat lunch in your car and listen to books on tape, I won't tell, but I do understand.

Last night for dinner I made our Garnish & Gather meal, which had the most amazing corn salad on the side.  I thought it was worth including the recipe, so I will put it at the end.  While we ate dinner, we watched the Men Tell All Bachelorette episode... meaning Jimmy checked his phone and I didn't blink for two hours.  If one of the two Bens is not the next bachelor, I quit. 

I write this post to tell you not to believe everything you see.  Just because someone's life looks perfect on Facebook doesn't mean they weren't standing there taking the picture with sweat running down their face, dressing on their shirt, and in the only clothes that fit them. But still, in the middle of all that chaos, you can still find so much beauty and love.

Major Victory ❤️!! @beachams2 can you believe it?? show dad!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉

A video posted by Blayne Macauley (@thisphotographerslifeblog) on

The best corn salad I've ever tasted... On the blog now. Link in profile. #foodporn #freshlypicked #healthy #eatingfortheinsta

A photo posted by Blayne Macauley (@thisphotographerslifeblog) on

Corn Salad by Stella Dillard of Farm Burger

  • 2 Ears of Corn
  • 1/3 Cup Cilantro
  • 1/4 Cup Red Onion
  • 1/3 lb Tomatoes
  • 1 Lime
  • 1 Cup Shredded Cabbage
  • 1/8 Teaspoon Red Pepper Flakes
  • 1 Tablespoon oil
  1. Chop cilantro, including stems
  2. Juice lime
  3. Cut corn from cob
  4. Chop tomatoes
  5. Heat oil in saute pan over medium heat
  6. Add cabbage to pan and cook 1-2 min
  7. Add corn, red pepper flakes and onions to cabbage and cook 1-2 min
  8. Remove corn mixture from heat and add tomatoes, cilantro, lime juice and salt and pepper to taste

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