Have you heard the good news?

Hi everyone!

Happy New Year!  Sorry I am a few days late :) 

The surgery went great!  Better than I dared to hope!  They were able to do it Laparoscopically, and they were able to keep my ovary!  We were so happy!  Surgery recovery has been fine.  I've been sore and nauseous, but all in all I'd say it's been a lot better than I expected/feared.  I've been up walking around, and I've even gotten out of the house a few times.  They told me the recovery would take two weeks, but today marks a week, and I never expected to feel this good.  Thank you so much for all your prayers and well wishes.  I feel extremely loved. 

Yesterday I went to get an ultrasound of the baby, and she looked perfect.  She was active, and we got a great shot of her profile.  She was stretching out her little legs and counting her fingers, and I'm convinced she's going to be a ballerina.  I cried tears of relief to see her doing so well, and I'm hopeful the rest of this pregnancy will be NORMAL and BORING!

Here are a few things I've learned during this week of rest:

Earlier this week when I needed to get out of the house, I went to see The Danish Girl.  I was so inspired by the art and the colors in the movie.  

I hope it gets lots of Academy Award noms. :)

Have you guys been watching the new Netflix sensation Making of a Murderer?  It's like Serial for TV. There are fantastic hooks, and the story is appalling.  We are only on episode 4, so I will report back when we're finished.

In case you haven't spent the majority of the last 7 days scrolling your newsfeed, you may have missed Chick-fil-A's kale salad announcement.  They are replacing the cole slaw with a kale salad that Atlanta's own Ford Fry helped create.  

I'm excited to try the new salad, which will feature kale, broccolini, cherries and nuts.  I will miss the cole slaw, which has actually been one of my pregnancy cravings this time... so I better get my fill of it in the next few weeks.  I did see the original cole slaw recipe online and thought I would post it here just so it would always be easy for me to find :) (feel free to pin and save it yourself if you like).

One of my favorite Christmas gifts this year was the new Garden & Gun cookbook "The Southerner's Cookbook."

I've had the book next to my bed all week and loved looking at the recipes and photos.  I can't wait until I feel well enough to cook again so I can try some of the recipes!  I will share some as soon as I do.

I hope you all had a wonderful New Years.  Cheers to a fantastic 2016!

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Source: http://www.thisphotographerslife.com/new-blog/2016/1/7/j1sauv7px74aj1qcv7c1yl49eeq70u