Life Lately: everything from birthdays to camping in the jungle.

Let's jump right in.

We've had a very busy and exciting Spring so far.  In addition to going to weddings in both New Orleans and Sea Island (both incredible), we had the kids' slip 'n slide birthday last weekend!  It was very much a labor of love, but I'm so pleased with how it went.  The kids seemed to have a great time.  Here are a few of my favorite photos from the day.

The week before the party I did a few updates to the house...

I took this photo of Oliver as part of my new frozen flower series (see it here), and I got it printed at Big Acrylic.  I could not have been more impressed with the company, their customer service, or the quality of the product.  Highly recommended.  I hung it just outside of his door and loved the way it looks.

I also got this Blakely Little paper piece back from Myott Studio, and am so in love with it.  She is such a talented artist, and I feel lucky to have this piece.

I am so impressed with Home Goods and happy to live near one.  I got this bowl there a few weeks ago, and it made our living room.

Speaking of Home Goods, I decided I wanted new planters to go up the steps to our porch.  I got all of these for like $20-$30, which is such an amazing deal compared to other places.  I love the quality and think they look really nice.

I got these planters there as well, and I think they were $9.99.

A few years ago I got this Africa keyhole garden from Vita Gardens, and it's all planted with tomatoes and herbs for the Summer.  It has been such a great addition to the yard, and I really recommend it.

Every year when I do my flower beds, I try to use a mix of perennials and annuals, my thought being that eventually I will have mostly perennials and the garden will take care of itself.  The problem is that I forget where I plant them, so when they bloom it's like a total surprise...  that's what happened here.  It's a happy little mistake but still kind of dominates all the annuals around it.  Whoops.

I have these two planters on my porch that get a ton of sun and no rain.  Every year I plant something in them that dies, and I have to replace the plants like 3 times throughout the Summer. You'd think I'd learn to water them, but for some reason I'm really lazy about these particular planters.  Anyway, in Feb. I planted it with Succulents just to see what happened. Not only did they not die, but they are FLOURISHING, and they get watered like max once a month. It's the best gardening decision I've ever made and one I'll be repeating every year.

We're down to our last two, so I ordered some more from Stromberg's Chickens.  Obviously I went with the orange ones (see below.)  They should arrive by mail next week, and we are all super excited.

These are the happiest Mother's Day flowers from Pollen. 

I got my terrarium back from being replanted at Le Jardin Francais, and love the way it looks on the front table.

The Scout Guide is an awesome magazine here that features all the coolest Atlanta businesses all in one place.  Every issue they have a local artist do a map of Atlanta for the magazine.  This time it was me, and I'm so in love with the way it looks.

I installed the real life painting in the Beacham & Company office this week and think it looks great.

Also, check out our sleek new logo on the waterfall.

I want to say thank you to English Norman for sending me this bracelet for baby Quinn.  I love her pieces.  Check them out here.

I'm also sending out a MASSIVE congratulations to my friend Mandy Kellogg Rye (Waiting on Martha) for fulfilling her dream and opening up her own store in the Vinings Jubilee in June. I'm so proud of you, love!  YOU'RE AMAZING.  

Some of my very best friends from High School, David Turner and Jimmy Stice, are on a new Viceland TV show called Jungletown, which I've been binge watching like crazy.  I'm totally obsessed with both them and the jungles of Panama now...

Last but not least, I have some pretty exciting things going on over on Instagram.  I'm participating in the 100 Day Challenge and giving away small works on paper to my followers, so follow me on instagram to win one!

You can also buy original pieces straight from my feed, so check those out as well!

I have some recipes to share with you guys soon, so I'll be back next week!  Have a great weekend everyone!

- Blayne
