The World's Most Amazing Meatballs.

I am a member of a club here in Atlanta where every year we cook through an entire cookbook. This year we've chosen "The Smitten Kitchen Cookbook" by Deb Perelman.  

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So far many people in the group think the recipes are a little complicated but delicious. A few weeks ago I was assigned the Tomato Glazed Meatballs.  I had to make them for 60 people, so it took me a little bit of time, but it was worth it.  The members of the group raved about them, and I was truthfully very impressed with them and myself ;)


Dep Perleman got her start by writing the hugely popular blog "The Smitten Kitchen," and both her photography and recipes are mouthwatering.


Truth be told, I was not even a big fan of meatballs prior to this experience, but I will for sure be making these again.  I made an extra batch for Jimmy and Oliver, and they ate the whole tray. 


You can find the full recipe here or by ordering the cookbook!  If you make these, please let me know what you think!
