Trinity Spotlight On Art Starts Next Week!

The Trinity Spotlight on Art is next week, and I am so excited.  It is a fantastic opportunity to see work by emerging and established artists in the Southeast. The artwork is broken down into categories like contemporary, folk and children's, which makes it very easy to view.  They also have a phenomenal jewelry selection from local artisans.  The show takes place in the gym at Trinity and is open every day next week.  

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The Best Mexican Restaurants in Atlanta

Back in college I had a fairly severe addiction to Mexican food.  When hangovers were more frequent and less crippling, responsibility nonexistent, and extra weight less likely to cling on for a lifetime, my BFF and I would spend our afternoons at La Parrilla in Athens drinking mugs of Miller Lite, snacking on a bowl of bean dip (hot cheese poured over refried beans), and browsing the latest People or Us Weekly.  The servers knew our names, our orders, and our propensity to say yes to another round.  They knew we wanted taco salads either with or without cheese depending on whether or not we were on Weight Watchers that day. 

One day, during what you could call either the high or low point of our college career, we went to La Parilla twice.  Lunch and Dinner.  It was that day we realized we had an actual addiction.

I've had this post rattling around in my head for a while and been avoiding writing it because people are PASSIONATE about their Mexican food.  Guaranteed someone's going to get mad about my choices, but they're mine and that's that.  If you would like to voice your opinion in the comment section I encourage you to do so. ;)

I grade Mexican Restaurants on the things I enjoy: overall vibe, salsa, cheese dip, guac, margs, salsa, taco salads, tacos, and fajitas.  Enjoy.

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