Designer Shows Her Personal Home and Shares Insider Tips So You Can Find the Best Pieces!

Today I am featuring the beautiful home of Julie Silber, the head of Decorjoy, which is an Atlanta-based company that helps interior designers and decorators with business plans and workshops.

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With Your Morning Coffee: January 11th - Links/Houses/Sales/Etc.

Happy Sunday!  I hope you are all enjoying time with you families or perhaps having a lazy morning.  This is the beginning of a new series called "With Your Morning Coffee."  In it I will share my favorite internet findings of the week, the houses I photographed, some sweet sales, and anything else I feel like throwing in along the way.  It's the catch all post of the week!  enjoy :)  

Sunday Reading List

1. The 11 Best Shopping Sites You've Never Heard Of  / 2. Apple Tahini Toast with Honey and Thyme / 3. Need a new hairstyle? / 4. Cornbread Muffins / 5. 32 Books That Will Actually Change Your Life / 6. How to Make Almond Milk / 7. Take Better Pictures of your Food / 8. High School Fashion from 1969 / 9. Easy Elegant Updo

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