Life Lately: everything from birthdays to camping in the jungle.

Let's jump right in.

We've had a very busy and exciting Spring so far.  In addition to going to weddings in both New Orleans and Sea Island (both incredible), we had the kids' slip 'n slide birthday last weekend!  It was very much a labor of love, but I'm so pleased with how it went.  The kids seemed to have a great time.  Here are a few of my favorite photos from the day.

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One House Two Ways: 3540 Cochise Drive

Susan Cross of Beacham & Company just listed 3540 Cochise Drive, which is one of my favorite houses!  It was listed 6 years ago with Janey Lowe, and I featured it here.  The current owners did some cool updates, which provided the perfect opportunity for a before and after, and you know those are my favorite!  I personally think the house looked amazing with each owner, but I love seeing the changes.  If you're interested in being the next owner of this awesome house, check out the listing here.

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