Hey kids. How is your Thursday going? I for one am ready to kick it into high gear with this Holiday Party thing. Bring on the egg nog (which I've never actually tasted, but is sounds Christmas-ie).

Love the holiday parties. Two years ago I wore this dress (detail of dress in above photo) to the Christmas party, and it was glorious. :) Tonight I am going to my dad's company party and am trying to decide on an outfit... To see what I choose become a fan of this blog on The Facebook and I'll post a picture tonight. duh.

I'm thinking I am going to wear this hot little number I got from Urban Outfitters. I spied it in the window when we were in Chicago and then waited for it to go on sale on the website for like 70% off... it came Monday. #cheap. The only problem is it's a little short and creates a bit of a middrift issue... so we'll see what happens. #gametimedecision
Changing the subject...

As a little Christmas present to me, I was hoping you guys would take these two quick polls. I am trying to reshape the focus of this blog. I would assume most of you come here to read about houses, but I'm not quite sure. Recently I have been trying to broden the focus of the blog a little bit and include more community happenings, things about my personal life, and fashion. I just want a little feedback. Maybe you love knowing what is going on with me... or maybe you're like, "shut up Blayne and show me more houses." Who knows? Oh... that's right.... you do. Please please take a quick moment to answer these questions so I can taylor the blog to what you want. Let's be honest, if you guys don't like the content why am I even writing this? If you have more you would like me to know (please) you can email me at [email protected] or leave me a comment at the bottom or this post. There is also a place where you can fill out your own answers, and I am always looking for laughs, so feel free to be as funny as you want. (You can choose multiple answers as well)
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Thanks so much for doing that guys!
Moving right along...

Remember this house? I wrote about it here in what I called a "Once in a Lifetime Post." Sold by Linda Williams and Neno Schildgen of Beacham & Company in 2010. Architecture by Neel Reid and Duane Stone.

Interiors by Margaux Interiors Limited

Best bedroom I've ever seen in any house anywhere.... now that's saying something!
This is the only home in Atlanta I can actually say this blog helped sell. The owner loved the post I wrote about the house (to read that post click here) that she ended up buying it! Go This Photographer's Life!! It was one of my proudest blog moments.
Through the blog I met the new owner of the home. We became fast friends. Apparently she is a fan of my art... yippie! She is working with Margaret Bosbyshell and Clary Bosbyshell of Margaux Interiors Limited to redesign the interior of the home. I had the privilege of getting a sneak peak into the new interiors, and they are unbelievable! According to the homeowner, "Margaret's experience and talent paired with Clary's edge and fashion-forward approach is the one-two punch that is perfect!"I am so excited to see how they improve something I thought was perfect in the first place!!
The new homeowner actually commissioned me to take photographs of her husband's plane. I am so honored to have some work hanging in MY FAVORITE house in Atlanta! I am also so honored that Margaret and Clary said it was ok to use my art. They have amazing taste.
I love commission work. It's always so interesting to be presented with an idea but allowed to put your own spin on it. (If you are interested in commissioning your own art from me, please contact me at [email protected]) She took me out to the hanger, showed me the plane, and said I could do whatever I wanted. Here are the pieces I came up with...

What do you think? I hope you all have a nice Thursday :)
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